3B_ Rachel Pi boot request fo update

I was looking at several recent threads related to the 3B+ issue, and they all seem to peter out without a new boot image. The images on the FTP server do not show updates, so am I right in assuming that the 3B+ is not a feasible platform?

Is there a single issue that is causing this problem, or could it be fixed by booting on a Pi2/3 and then doing a update/upgrade?



Hello Rob
3B+ is actually better than the earlier versions of Pi and there is an image that works. There is a link on this forum somewhere, rachel_pi_kolibri_10_30_18 provided by James.

There appears to be an issue with Kolibri provided by worldpossible but it is possible to install Kolibri directly.
I have tried to put together some notes from what I had to do to get things to work. You are welcome to have them they are at giakonda.org.uk/technical
Kind Regards

Thanks for linking. There should be no reason to install Kolibri separately on the pi. The Kolibri image includes Kolibri and ReadMe_Kolibri.pdf includes instructions on how to install Kolibri channels the Kolibri way.


Hi James
I an in Zambia at the moment out of contact most of the time. There is one issue I think you may be able to fix that would help a lot. If you could add the DHCP address to the RACHEL startup banner it would help enormously.
Sorry if this seems rude.
Kind Regards

Hi Howard,

This was a bug in the showip function in common.php from the content shell due to the command output changing since the last time a RACHEL image was made and the last time the content shell was updated for the pi. This will be fixed in future images. If you want to fix it on an existing system you can edit the common.php file at /var/www/admin/common.php by removing “addr:” from the preg_match lines in showip. Lines 754 and 756 in this file on github but it will be a bit different on your device as other changes were made.

The original line for LAN is

  • preg_match("/(?:eth0|enp2s0).+?inet addr:(.+?) /", join("", $output), $match);

The replacement line is

  • preg_match("/(?:eth0|enp2s0).+?inet (.+?) /", join("", $output), $match);

The original line for WIFI is

  • preg_match("/(?:wlan0|br-lan).+?inet addr:(.+?) /", join("", $output), $match);

The replacement line is

  • preg_match("/(?:wlan0|br-lan).+?inet (.+?) /", join("", $output), $match);


Thanks James
I’ll look forward to the new image
Kind Regards

Hi James,
I’m back from Zambia, your image worked just fine, including the Kolibri stuff. Ive just invested in a ssd/hd duplicator and an sd card duplicator for the Pi. I’ll let you know how this pans out.
Thanks again for your hard work, it made things go remarkably well.
Kind Regards

Hi Howard,

Great to hear! I’m happy everything worked well. Please let me know if you have any suggestions on improvements after your deployment. Unfortunately Kolibri for the pi is broken on Learning Equality’s end right now so I’m waiting for it to be fixed before releasing a new image. I am working on other features in the meantime and easy hard drive support is something I’m looking at.


I don’t understand.l am using kolibri on the pi?

Yes I think those images use 0.10.3. The latest version available is 0.11.1 which is broken.

I won’t update yet then :slight_smile:

Hi Howard,

I love all the support you provide. The download links from James provided in your quote don’t seem to be working. I keep getting errors that say the URL isn’t found on the Google Drive servers when I click them. Any thoughts?


Hi Charlie, you are right the link has gone.
I know James is working on a new image so I guess that’s why.
I’ll have a look around and see if I can find out more. Failing that I could post you the image on a 258Gb SD card. Where do you live?

Hi Charlie
Here is the new home for the update.
The link is courtesy of James, again, thanks @Jamesk

Hi Howard,

Thanks for linking. This post is the new one with the latest images. I can’t seem to edit the older posts I’ve made to keep them up to date. To avoid confusion and keep everyone on the latest version with fixes I’m removing the links to old files. I would like to host the images on the FTP or elsewhere as well in the future.


Hi James
I’m looking into space on a commercial Web server. With a bit of luck it should come to fruition. I’ll keep you posted
Kind regards Howard

Hi @giakonda and @jamesk – let’s keep them hosted at the World Possible server. It’ll be much easier to keep all on the same page then. @jamesk – do you still have the credentials to login?

@jamesk – i’ve provided you moderator rights, you should be able to edit posts now. This forum is hosted by Discourse if you want to research any tutorials and things. Thank you as always.

Thanks @jeremy. I have the credentials but I wasn’t able to make a folder and I was thinking I should make a new one. I’ll put them in the same folder you’ve put the Kolibri image in. Thanks for doing that and thanks for making me a moderator!

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Hi Howard,

Thanks for the help and quick response! You guys are the best.
