About the Content category

Discuss RACHEL content modules, present and future

RACHEL modules are individually packaged offline websites that can be installed easily on a RACHEL system.

We are always looking for new high-quality content for RACHEL!

If you know of some great content that is licensed for redistribution (creative commons, public domain, etc.) please consider making module and submitting it to us. If you can’t make the module yourself, let us know and we’ll try to add it to our list.

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Hey im creating a new module, but i dont know how to add my module to the actual version of rachel that i have in my raspberry, can you help me?

For the raspberry pi you have to copy your finished module directory to /var/www/rachel/modules – you can do this using scp. If you’re coming from Windows, WinSCP is a nice way to copy files over.

The only critical piece for a module is to have a rachel-index.php file as described in our module template docs.

If your module is general-interest and licensed for redistribution (e.g. creative commons) you should consider sending us a copy so we can include it in our repository!