How to add module to a remote host using winscp


I want to transfer module available in my computer to the remote Rachel that is hosted online and have its access such as an ipaddress. I have read a little knowledge about using WebDav. Please help.

Don’t know anything about WebDav, but WinSCP is easy to use. Download from here: WinSCP :: Official Site :: Download
Click on the Download button (see big green box below).
The below example assumes you are using the default IP address for RACHEL If you are not, substitute the IP address you are using for RACHEL in step 4. You may also add the user name root and the password if you wish & save that with the setup. It will warn you though that it is now a good security practice.
Once you’ve completed your configuration, all you have to do is click Login to connect to RACHEL. I believe Jeremy has already created some videos that tell you where to place the modules.
I hope this helps.

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Hello Jseni, there are a few steps you have to take to access remotely. Hope you have a counterpart on the other side.

  1. assure RACHEL server is connected via LAN cable to a router and the router has internet
  2. the router administrator opens his browser connected to the Rachel with internet and checks his router IP address by typing “whats my IP” in the browser. He will then see the actual IP address.
    (by the way over time this IP address can change, unless you use a dynamic DNS address called DDNS which is a service that tracks your router IP changes and links it always to the same domain name server address.
  3. this IP gets you to the router. But to get you directly to Rachel the router needs to be setup for this. Your remote router admin has to enter the admin section and look for a tab called PORT FORWARDING - select Simple Forwarding, give any profile a name i.e. Rachel access, forward at least port 80 which is your default and port 22 to access the RACHEL via sftp like WINSCP or Filezilla (8080 is the admin port for the CMAL100 wiFi and 8090 is the lesson plan page, 9090 is Kolibri and 8008 is KA lite) for the Protocol use BOTH if you can select it or TCP. You may need a new forwarding line for every port or can do it on one line like in my sample Asus router.
  4. the router admin has to find his internal RACHEL IP address by reading the LAN address on the Rachel Home Page Top RH corner. This Internal IP is required for the port forwarding address.

If the forwarding is done correctly from the router admin, you can then type the IP address in your WINSCP and Port 22 Username “root” PW as you know it and you will see the folders to change content.

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