How to update/sync custom module

I’ve already created custom modules. I’d like some of my modules to update by connecting to the internet. May I know how to proceed it?


Hi Khine,

We may be able to host them on our oer2go site. This way they can be downloaded onto the device via admin area of the Rachel interface. However, the modules would be publicly available to anyone that may find them on the oer2go site.

Hi Steve,
Thank you. If so, all I need is to send you my modules to host on your site?


  • First we would need permission in writing to distribute the module
  • Then we can download the module from a source which you provide, lie Google Drive, AWS…
  • The module would be reviewed to determine if it is structurally sound (links work, pics display…)
  • The content would be reviewed to determine if appropriate for kids, adults… (generally speaking here)
  • Once approved, loaded onto OER3GO for distribution
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