Is there any users that have taken a web-based OAT application for education / testing and converted it to run on Rachel Plus? Allen
I have never heard of this being done, potentially only because I’m not sure what OAT stands for, but maybe some other folks here have a better understanding!
Jeremy - thank you for your lightening fast reply. I got it wrong. It is TAO software produced by OAT (Open Assessment Technologies). TAO is a freely available, open-source, and standards-compliant real-time C++ based upon the Adaptive Communication Environment (ACE).(
Thank very much for catching my mistake and having me wasting everyone’s time.
Humbly ~ Allen
@Leon do you guys use something similar to this in Liberia?
No, I haven’t used that TAO/OAT assessment tool.
In Liberia, we adapted the offline version of the NWEA “MAP” tests to run on our RACHEL Plus servers, and then transferred the encrypted results file to an external storage drive so we could upload the students scores to NWEA for compilation using a laptop with internet connection from Monrovia or back here in USA. I’ve also been looking at using Moodle for assessment testing on the new CAP2 RACHEL devices.
Leon and Jeremy - thank you very much for this input to my query.
Leon - do you have a working / collaborative relationship with NWEA and MAP exams for Liberia? Would his type of relationship available for Sierra Leone too?
Have a Super day! Allen