Invitation to add new rachel deployment in tanzania

The link above is accessible to anyone who want to edit the mapping and add new location for the Rachel deployment center in Tanzania.

We all need to know where Rachel has been deployed so that we do not duplicate efforts. I am inviting anybody to add unmentioned sites/ schools where deployment of Rachel has taken place in Tanzania but can’t find the school or center in the list.

This mapping is not limited to the year 2020 only. It is aiming to give current uodate. For that reason, please include any missing Rachel deployment center from 2020 going backward.

Thank you for sharing.

I have added BSSA (Benedictine Sisters of St. Agnes) in Chipole. There are actually 2 Raspberry Pi-based devices. However, I am not sure of usage, as it is not deployed within a school environment yet. The schools do not yet have suitable viewing devices either.

I was due to return on a volunteering assignment to develop this and other activities, but the Covid-19 situation prevented that.
