Is Edison no longer part of the RachelPI image?

I downloaded and installed the 64GB RachelPi image and i can’t find the Edison Module. Is it no longer a part of the base image? If so, how can i add it?

Hi @walash,

The 64GB RACHEL-Pi images are no longer maintained and will likely not contain all of the content that is available. We have new RACHEL-Pi images you can download at this post..

You will want to download the latest 32bit RACHEL-Pi image and follow the “installing RACHEL-Pi” tutorial. To install content, including the Edison module, follow the “Installing Modules” tutorial. If you have any issues please let me know.


Thanks James. I have been up for the past 5 hours trying to get this edison module into my rachelpi. I keep getting an error: 3 permission denied. I am using WinSCP and logged into the Rachel Pi with SFTP. I see my en-edison on the left side, i see var/www/modules on the right side of the WinSCP window. when i try to copy i get this Error :3. i googled it and it says i have to disable loading files into a temp folder. so i disabled that feature in WinSCP. tried again to copy and an error pops up : creating folder in /module - permission denied. the instructions sound like adding modules should be pretty straight forward but this isn’t. please see attached.Screenshot 2021-05-05 215616

@James…thank you again for your links. i have installed RachelPi on a RPI4 and also installed modules of interest. Now playing around with the edision module. Does anyone know how to install Edware in linux? scrubbing google for now.

Hi @walash - Glad you’ve got it working.

In case you want to use WinSCP in the future, this tutorial Transferring_Modules_with_WinSCP.pdf has some tips that may help you get around those permission issues. There are two settings in that PDF, setting the mode as SCP instead of SFTP and setting the shell as “sudo su -”. Those will probably fix any permissions issues.

I would like to update the Edison module soon. Are you referring to ? This looks to be HTML5 and could probably be turned into a RACHEL module relatively easily. Let me know if that’s the right page and I’ll take a look. There’s also EdBlocks and some other things I see they’ve got now.


Hi James,

hope all’s well. Wanted to know if Edison’s Edblocks and / or Edwareapp would be available as a module for Rachel PI.

Hi @walash - Unforunately no. We would need permission from them to host a copy of their site, which is not freely available online anywhere. We do have the en-edison module available at which contains some of the freely available resources.