Kolibri, Moodle, and RACHEL Install

Hi I find the discussion confusing. What do you mean I found moodle and kolibri on my Rachel.
We are an Informatic school in Limbe southwest region.we would like to make lessons which corresponds to the realty here. I find the approach of kolibri good, but it is no clear how to make new lesson. We work with moodle and we would like to have a tool which can easily combine kolibri Rachel and moodle. We are looking for people who want similar and develop it.

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We have install kolibri on Raspberry pi zero and it works we would like to integrate our own content .

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In the RACHEL+ (content access point) Device https://store.worldpossible.org/products/rachel-plus, there are moodle and Kolibri. It already exists in that device, you can access moodle by using http://youripaddress/moodle/my/ and Kolibri.

@Neddy - can you explain where you are trying to login to the device. Most places, the user names and password are admin / Rachel+1

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I have a server permission problem.

I’ve received the ADMIN ID and Password from Jeremy.

However, that wasn’t the correct one.

I could login to the server, using “pi/rachel” combination.

BUT, this combination isn’t the admin account.

I want to add customized modules, but I can’t either view and download anything in Rachel Server.

Can anyone plz help me…?

Sorry, I’m using RACHEL+ 3.0. I didn’t use the Pi so, I didn’t know the login password.

Hi @sion831 – are you on RACHEL-Plus or RACHEL-Pi?

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I am using Rachel Pi!!