Offline content from Engineering for change

Hello everyone,

I am program manager at Engineering for change, a knowledge platform that offers free content (webinars, news and free courses) related to Engineering for Global Development or Technology for Development. We are thinking about including our content in this device but before we wanted to survey in this community if there will be an interest for engineers or development practitioners to get access to this kind of knowledge,
All comments and suggestions are welcome,
Thanks so much in advance,
Mariela Machado


Hi Mariela, thanks so much for considering making your content available. I think this would be a wonderful resource. I’m working in Sierra Leone where this kind of content is not readily availble and I think it would be a wonderful addition to the set of modules that are currently available.

I find that people can be overwhelmed with the vast amount of information available when they come to a RACHEL device. It can be helpful to structure the web pages so that they offer paths into specific information (in addition to the normal search and topical links). I find that when people aren’t used to having access to information they don’t come to the device knowing what they want to learn, so having options is helpful.

Hello mariela,

This is Khinelay from Myanmar(Burma). I’m looking for the vocational training materials for our contents. I’m really interested in this series:


Hi Khinelay,

We would be happy to provide you with this content. What would you need and can you send more details about the project?
Thanks so much and apologies for the delayed reply,

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I’ll send our projects detail here.