I see that you have Rachel 2 at the good price of 199 USD ,please advise what content is available on Rchel 2.o compared to rachel 4 .Will aprreciate a more detailed spec ,there is none available on your website?
Hi @Edmund_Harris,
The RACHEL 2.0 doesn’t support the Kolibri Learning Management System and content available with it. While KA-Lite is available on the 2.0, Kolibri has more recently updated versions of Khan Academy in different languages. The 2.0 also has an older version of Moodle and also doesn’t support our offline email and statistics collection utility DataPost.
There is only one WIFI signal with the RACHEL 2.0 instead of two simultaneous signals with the 4.0.
Otherwise the same RACHEL modules are available on the device can be previewed on http://preview.worldpossible.org/.
Hope that helps,