RACHEL-Pi Image for Raspbian Stretch


Thanks for the update. I was looking at trying the other version out this weekend. The Kolibri version I am using does not have it, but the other non-kolibri does have it. I am leaning more towards the version without Kolibri and just using kaos or ka-lite at least for the first run at the school. I have a lot of work to do before going to Haiti in January and then the 10 days I’m there.


Hi Don,

Sorry for the confusion around this. I just noticed the files yesterday and figured I would warn you as soon as possible in case. From what I’ve been told it sounds like the files were just uploaded but that’s all. I’m pretty sure that the images are okay, but I had downloaded the module with those files onto the Kolibri one during testing. The non-kolibri image’s file share module should be okay and not contain those files.

Learning and teaching people to use Kolibri seems like it would some time so I understand that might be an issue under a time constraint. I will be uploading new images that will have a few more fixes like showing the IP address in the navigation bar and bring the content shell up to date. I will upload a non-kolibri one first in case you’re interested in updating.


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Thanks for reporting, I believe we have fixed this online.

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Sorry, I was meaning to say I was going to try the non kolibri version I had downloaded and didnt want to sound like I was waiting for you to upload the new. Since I know Kolibri is going to take time to teach, I figured I would spare the space and load for time being is all.

Thanks again,

Thanks Jeremy. Everything seems to be normal with the rsync now.

No problem Don. Any changes from this point on will mostly be small details so you should be good with the image from the 18th. Thank you for all of the testing you’ve done. It has really helped to know that things are running well.



I am using the rachel_pi_10_18_18.7z file. I have a few wikis loaded and running pretty much like the other version. I have downloaded the KA-Lite FR and EN and am not able to get either to run. I tried to run the commands you listed but they did not work. Attaching the download error I get while downloading and trying to open the module. It looks like this is the same version thats on the 64gb usb version. KA Lite - Failed CaptureKA LIte module load error

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@SHOMI, It looks like it fails trying to run the finalization script. Does the file “install.sh” exist in /var/www/modules/fr-kalite? You can get there by logging in with pi/rachel, then with “cd /var/www/modules/fr-kalite” and then run “ls” to get a list of files. It may be called final_install.sh or install.sh. From there it should be “sudo sh install.sh” or “sudo sh final_install.sh” which will run the script as the pi user.

Hopefully that is the issue. When installing through the admin interface the file gets run as the webserver’s user “www-data” and not “pi” or “root” and it doesn’t have permission to do some things. I’m still trying to figure out the best way around this. I will look through the install script I have here in the meantime to check.



The finish_install.sh did not complete. This is the output.
ka-lite finish_install_sh


The error is caused by the modules directory being incorrect in the finish_install.sh. It looks for /var/www/rachel for the pi when the directory is actually /var/www/modules. It also restarts ka-lite on the wrong port, so hopefully I have fixed those issues.

Can you try this file? finish_install.sh.

To get the file onto the pi you can plug your MicroSD or USB device you use with it into a windows computer and the “boot” partition will be recognized. You can place the file on there and do the following once the device is back in the pi.

  1. “cd /boot”
  2. “sudo mv finish_install.sh /var/www/modules/fr-kalite/finish_install2.sh”
  3. “cd /var/www/modules/fr-kalite”
  4. "sudo sh finish_install2.sh

If that works I will ask if someone from the RACHEL team can update the finish_install scripts for the future.



I downloaded the file and placed it into the boot partition. It has the same error as the previous attempt. Sorry it is a little blurry, I didn’t have putty setup on the laptop.

kalite_install2 (2)


Can you try this file with the same steps? I changed the directory once again and removed some braces that might have caused the two errors.



The script ran a little different, but still has an error. Much appreciation for the work you have put in.

pi@rachel:~ $ cd /var/www/modules/fr-kalite
pi@rachel:/var/www/modules/fr-kalite $ sudo sh finish_install3.sh
FI: setting up variables
FI: we’re on a pi
FI: stopping kalite
kalite stopped
finish_install3.sh: 32: finish_install3.sh: [[: not found
FI: backing up old db
FI: symlinking new db
FI: symlinking content
finish_install3.sh: 52: finish_install3.sh: [[: not found
ln: target ‘/.data/RACHEL/.kalite/content’ is not a directory
FI: restarting kalite on default port (8008)
Already stopped. Status was: Stopped
kalite stopped
Running ‘kalite start’ as daemon (system service)
Going to daemon mode, logging to /root/.kalite/server.log

To access KA Lite from another connected computer, try the following address(es):

To access KA Lite from this machine, try the following address:

pi@rachel:/var/www/modules/fr-kalite $



Glad to help. This version at this link finish_install.sh should fix those two bugs. It seems confirmed that the earlier bugs were from the extra [] and line 32 and 52 both have them so I removed those.



The new script did complete. I can load the fr-kalite and run several exercises and quizes from a quick test. It looks a little different than the one on oer2go, but could be just an older version. I’d have to look and see what it shows.

pi@rachel:~ $ cd /boot
pi@rachel:/boot $ sudo mv finish_install.sh /var/www/modules/fr-kalite/finish_install4.sh
pi@rachel:/boot $ cd /var/www/modules/fr-kalite
pi@rachel:/var/www/modules/fr-kalite $ sudo sh finish_install4.sh
FI: setting up variables
FI: we’re on a pi
FI: stopping kalite
kalite stopped
FI: installing contentpack
[WARNING] [2018-11-14 02:18:54,365] kalite.i18n.base: No fr_icu.js file found in locale_path /root/.kalite/locale
[WARNING] [2018-11-14 02:18:54,367] kalite.i18n.base: No fr_icu.js file found in locale_path /root/.kalite/locale
[INFO] [2018-11-14 02:18:54,368] kalite.i18n.base: Writing i18nized js file to /root/.kalite/content/locale/js/i18n/fr.js
[INFO] [2018-11-14 02:19:00,092] kalite: Annotating content for language: fr, channel: khan

This may take several minutes depending on system resources…
[INFO] [2018-11-14 02:19:02,701] kalite: Annotation complete for language: fr, channel: khan
FI: backing up old db
FI: symlinking new db
FI: symlinking content
ln: /root/.kalite/content/assessment: cannot overwrite directory
ln: /root/.kalite/content/locale: cannot overwrite directory
FI: restarting kalite on port 8008
Already stopped. Status was: Stopped
kalite stopped
Running ‘kalite start’ as daemon (system service)
Going to daemon mode, logging to /root/.kalite/server.log

To access KA Lite from another connected computer, try the following address(es):

To access KA Lite from this machine, try the following address:


It looks like it was successful from the output. The two warnings may be something to do with the language pack. When you go to the KA-Lite management page is there a section about installing a French language pack?



The KA LITE admin login is rachel rachel. KALITE shows that French is installed but I need to download at least the English content pack. I am downloading the English language pack, but It looks like it may have stalled or really slow. I am also downloading the videos fine per the gui. I will update later with the results.


The KA-LITE, English language pack stalls at 30.8%. There are a few parts that state there is no content most likely due to Installed Languages: French, 392 Subtitles, 87% Translated and the English not completing.

Three of the Wiki’s are working fine : Wikilivres, Wikipédia, and Wikipedia pour les écoles. The KAOS module works good. I have 26 modules of content downloaded and so far running good.

I have been letting this run for a couple days at a time and occasionally starting several modules content at the same time to simulate multiple users. So far I have not had any issues with it sitting and starting content or multiple tabs running.


Thanks for the update Don. I’m happy to hear that it’s stable for multiple days.

Is French KA-Lite working? The script I posted is specific to the French KA-Lite module but it can be easily modified to English or other languages. I have never run two KA-Lite languages at once so I’m not sure if that’s supported but I can look into that for you if you want. Are any modules not functional?
