The Dept. of Education and Save the Children PNG engaged my service in deployment of 27 RACHEL units in 4 different provinces.
I added three local modules in each device before the deployment.
We installed a total of 27 RACHEL units in 17 primary schools, 5 open campus and 5 vocational training centres in the respective provinces.
After the installation, I conducted a one full day RACHEL Plus user and administrator training for selected representatives for each school. The teachers trained will be teaching other teachers and students how to use RACHEL and administer the device.
Many people are fascinated about RACHEL and its surely picking up momentum in PNG.
@laso.mana - That’s fantastic! Congratulations on the great work.
I’d love to hear an update in the future on how the devices are being used and what the teachers and students find useful, as well as anything they may be looking for.
Thank you @jamesk for your comments. I will definitely provide and update on the usage of the devices in due course.
In the meantime, please update if World Possible has stock for any RACHEL Plus 3.0 version.
Greetings and have a blessed day.
Hello @laso.mana - Unfortunately we are out of stock on the RACHEL-Plus V3.0 and will no longer be shipping it. The RACHEL-Plus V4 will be shipping on February 28th 2022.