Rachel Recovery usb

i managed to restore rachel version 1 using the recovery disk.
Everything is fine apart from KA lite and wikipedia which cannot run.On checking the files on media/rachel i see all files present.What is stopping KA lite and wikipedia from running ?

Hi Musilwa1,

I understand after USB recovery, KA Lite and Wikipedia do not run. I am happy to assist in resolving this issue. I have a few initial basic questions to help me get started:

  • When you access Rachel from your web browser, do you see the KA Lite & Wikipedia modules listed?
  • If you login-in as Admin, do you see the modules there (and they are not checked as hidden)?
  • When you say you see the files on the media, are you referring to one of the two methods that I listed above, or did you access the Linux filesystem to view the module list from there?

Thank you,


HI Steve thanks,
I can see Rachel modules listed from the browser,the adm password is not working so i cant log in.
I used linux ,the kiwix files can be seen when you use Linux or WINSCP to log onto the CAP.

Hi Musilwa1,

Both of these modules have a script which run at the end of the initial module install. You may try to reinstall the modules on-line. If you do not have access to the internet or the download speed is too slow, you may run a script for each KA Lite and Wiki modules manually. You will need to access the Linux command line on the Rachel device, using ssh and going to “/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/” within this directory, you will find sub-directories for all of your installed modules. one should be “en-kalite” and within this dir, you will find a file called finish_install.sh (execute this file “./finish_install.sh” (don’t forget the leading dot “.” and exclude the quotes). This should reinitialize your module to the kalite application/DB. As for Wiki, go to “en-wikipedia” and you will find a file called rachel-kiwix-init.php (execute this file “php rachel-kiwix-init.php” (excluding the quotes)). Finally, reboot and retry accessing the modules.

If for any reason this doesn’t work, run the following three commands and send me the output.

lsof -Pnl +M -i4
service kalite status
service kiwix status

Thank you,


Hi Steve, do we receive the recovery USB when we purchase Rachel??

No. But we offer recovery images on-line.

login as: cap
cap@’s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.10.61-ltsi-06292015 x86_64)

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

cap@WAPD-235N-Server:~$ cd …
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/$ ls
AtoolVer1009_debug dump.rdb lib32 mnt run usr
bin etc lib64 opt sbin var
boot fail.txt libx32 proc srv www
customize_brand home lost+found recovery sys www-content
dev lib media root tmp
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/$ cd media/RACHEL/rachel/modules
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules$ ls
en-afristory en-file_share en-local_content
en-asst_medical en-GCF2015 en-math_expression
en-ck12 en-hesperian_health en-wikipedia
en-ebooks en-infonet en-wikipedia_for_schools
en-fantasticphonics-adult en-kalite multi-afristory
en-fantasticphonics-child en-law_library
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules$ cd en-kalite
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ./install.sh
-bash: ./install.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ./'install.sh

cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ cd ka-lite
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite/ka-lite$ ls
en-contentpack.zip index.htmlf ka.png Thumbs.db
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite/ka-lite$ cd …
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
login as: cap
cap@’s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.10.61-ltsi-06292015 x86_64)

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

The programs included with the Ubuntu system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Ubuntu comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by
applicable law.

cap@WAPD-235N-Server:~$ ls
ap_packages generate_recovery.sh rachel-scripts
cap-rachel-configure.sh install_package.sh ubuntu_scripts
disk_tools led_control.sh
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:~$ cd …
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/$ ls
AtoolVer1009_debug dump.rdb lib32 mnt run usr
bin etc lib64 opt sbin var
boot fail.txt libx32 proc srv www
customize_brand home lost+found recovery sys www-content
dev lib media root tmp
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/$ cd media/RACHEL/rachel/modules
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules$ ls
en-afristory en-file_share en-local_content
en-asst_medical en-GCF2015 en-math_expression
en-ck12 en-hesperian_health en-wikipedia
en-ebooks en-infonet en-wikipedia_for_schools
en-fantasticphonics-adult en-kalite multi-afristory
en-fantasticphonics-child en-law_library
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules$ cd en-kalite
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ./install.sh
-bash: ./install.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ cd install.sh
-bash: cd: install.sh: Not a directory
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ service kalite status
kalite: unrecognized service
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ service kalite status
kalite: unrecognized service
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ ls
content index.htmlf ka-lite rachel-index.php
en-contentpack.zip install.sh ka.png subtitles
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite$ cd ka-lite
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite/ka-lite$ service kalite status
kalite: unrecognized service
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite/ka-lite$ ls
en-contentpack.zip index.htmlf ka.png Thumbs.db
cap@WAPD-235N-Server:/media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/en-kalite/ka-lite$ service kalite status
kalite: unrecognized service