Rachel users -continuos engangement

Hello @jamesk,

That is exactly what I tried to do, except I did not assigned an IP address to the Pi. I will try again tomorrow with my colleague that is way more skilled than I am for this.

The switch we have for this project is a HP HPE 2530-24G Switch (j9776a).
The routers: I tried with the one or two that are sold by internet providers, so the software is modified…
I also tried with an airport express, and it wasn’t working. I know we also have some old airport extreme, maybe they are easier to configure.

And @giakonda, thanks for the reminder, I reseted the routers before trying anything. And it is good to know that the Pi WiFi is a strong one!

Again, thanks for your help, it is very valuable!


Hi @SachaChillier - Assigning the IP to the pi on the router will let the other devices on the network access always access it at that IP so it should work once you’ve done that through the router’s web interface. I’m sure you’ll get it working. Feel free to ask on here while you’re working on it if you’re running into issues.

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I finally managed to get everything to work last week.
There were two problems: I was using the wrong ports on the switch and the router and the desktop used to test the connection was defective :sob:

Sadly, it was at that same time that the government closed the schools again due to the pandemic and the raising cases… So the implementation will have to wait a bit.

Once again, thanks a lot for your support!

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Hello Team, I am working with a school that has RACHEL Router but its not in use. I have connected the Router to the LAN through a switch. The Desktops have static ip addresses for classroom management. However i cant access the RACHEL from the desktops. When i enable DHCP on the Desktops i am able to access RACHEL but this shuts me down from monitoring the computers since the ip addresses change. Therefore is there a way where i can still have my pc’s with static ip addresses but able to access RACHEL?

Hi @SachaChillier - Great to hear you got it working! I was wondering how it went after the last update. Sometimes it’s the simplest things causing the problem isn’t it :slight_smile:

That’s too bad about closing the schools. I hope everyone is staying safe there. Let me know if you have any other issues when you get a chance to try again.

Hi @Emmanuel_Kalambule_B

If you’re using a separate router for DHCP, try assigning a static IP to the RACHEL-Plus device as well for other devices on the network to access it on.

There are also two ethernet ports on the RACHEL-Plus. The left port near the power light/plug is the WAN port which should be used to connect it to the internet/router.

Hope that helps

hi @jamesk
thanks i will try tomorrow morning when i get to work

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Hi @jamesk, thank you for your support.
Everyone is good and Zambia is doing much better now…

I could finally install everything yesterday, as schools fully reopened this week, and it was working perfectly. So I am quite happy with that!


Hi @SachaChillier

Glad I could help! It’s great to hear that things are better now and that schools have reopened. Nice work on getting everything up and running!