Hello! First, let me say that I was very excited when I ran across your site. You guys have done an amazing job of collecting content and making it easy to distribute to developing countries!
I downloaded the image rachelusb_32EN_4.0.zip and unzipped it. One of the items that is not working for me in Chrome and Edge is audio from the videos (e.g. Khan Academy videos). The video plays, but no audio. If I open them in the older internet explorer, the audio works fine. If I find the MP4 and play it in the default Window 10 MP4 player, same issue, video is fine, but no audio. If I play on the old school Windows Media Player, audio works great.
We’re bringing over 100 HP Stream laptops (Win10) to Uganda this summer to leave with 5 schools. We have set them up so that Chrome is default browser. However, now I’m wondering what the best approach is to have these videos work with the audio playing.
Has anyone run across this problem before? And if so, what solution would you recommend?
Hi Joe,
I don’t have the same problem that you do, but let me try to help. You mention that you cannot get it to work with MS. Edge or Chrome, so I am assuming that you are trying this on a Windows 10 computer, am I correct in this assumption?
Which is the older version of Internet Explorer that you are using to successfully play the video with audio?
It is strange that Chrome AND Edge are not working. I can understand Edge not working , but not Chrome also.
Have you tried this on multiple computers with the same result?
Please give me more details of the system you are using to test RACHEL USB - Brand, audio driver, speakers, OS, etc.
One solution is to definitely use Internet Explorer and NOT Edge. From my experience Internet Explorer 11 is more stable than MS Edge (more compatible with a larger base of webpages on the Internet).
By working with Rotary clubs here and in Uganda, I am interested in bringing Rachel to more schools there.
Are you working with an NGO in Uganda? Are you aware of more schools where the administration and staff are prepared to use technology to educate students.
I can be reached directly at mdprilutsky@gmail.com or my mobile number is (925) 404-3013.
Any support/information would be greatly appreciated.
Yours truly,
Michael Prilutsky
International Service Projects Director
Rotary Club of Dublin (CA)