Quick question, Is it possible to remote login on RACHEL Plus device? We have a situation where content on RACHEL Plus needs to be curated remotely (from a different continent) , Please advise on steps to remote login to RACHEL Plus.
The RACHEL-Plus device must be on an internet connection via a Router. The individual Router will have the opportunity to allow traffic through a firewall and to RACHEL. You need to find port forwarding on the Router.
Here is one way to access RACHEL remotely using ngrok - an easy port forwarding tool.
Steps to Provide Remote Access of RACHEL server:
Connect the Rachel device to internet through ethernet cable
Connect your computer to the same Internet Wifi connection (not Rachel)
Open browser and Open Rachel website (probably on
On the RACHEL homepage, make note of the LAN Ip address. For example, In this image it is
Go to this website https://ngrok.com/download and do a free sign up
Open https://ngrok.com/download and download this based on your operating system.
Open the folder where it is downloaded. Unzip it
Open terminal. If you are using windows, Press Ctrl + R , and type cmd and then enter.
Go to the directory where it is downloaded on terminal. ( cd c://Users/… … /Downloads)
Run command ngrok authtoken ******* (We can get this command after we signup) ngrok http (Here use the LAN IP address of Rachel server)
Something similar to this should appear on your terminal