Rsphider local search

I realize the local search engine rsphider is broken, the indexing only works on 2 modules wikipedia and khan-acadamy. when i try to re-index, it show error chmod 777 …/admin. Please advice

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Hi @Barry_Ishmeal,

Which version of RACHEL are you running and on which hardware?

rsphider is quite old and not used anymore.


I am running raspberry pi 2B using the raspbian wheezy 7 image. I have included few modules customize for junior school.
I will like to know how to index the contents, this will make navigation and searching contents easier for students.

Attached are screenshots of some errors.

I did install Ubuntu desktop v18.04.6 lts (bionic beaver) and install nginx as opposed to Apache and then I moved www folder contents to /var/www/html/. This is on intel core i5 desktop pc. Image also included. I have chmod 777 /var/www/html/rsphider/admin/*
Before taking the picture below.


Please see attached screenshot