Setting up a new system in a DoJ facility

Hello! I am a computer technician working at a community college in Oregon. Our corrections department has purchased a RACHEL 3.0 device. I am looking for helpful hints in setting one up. I haven’t had much luck searching through the forums, so anything is helpful! Here’s a little about the setup we’re dealing with.

18 computers on a wired network
Removed the NICs from RACHEL, so this will be a switch connected setup

Hi @KyleAnderson

Are you setting this up inside the facility? I think you can, for the most part, follow these instructions to add RACHEL to a LAN: RACHEL-Plus on a LAN or with Router

Right now, with just a switch, there isn’t anything providing the routing DHCP function. Do you have any router available?


Are you setting this up inside the facility?

At this point, we are just testing outside the facility. We want to work out as many kinks as possible before attempting to install it inside.

Right now, with just a switch, there isn’t anything providing the routing DHCP function. Do you have any router available?

As far as I am aware, there is a router in the facility. I will check with their IT.

I appreciate the quick response!