Setting up Raspberry Pi 5 with latest Rachel Pi image

Sorry - haven’t been able to figure out why the module loader doesn’t work on the Pi 5 image.

Thanks. so how are you loading modules. i’m in a bind and need to load the modules before a presentation tomorrow.

That’s the problem, for me, with the Pi5 build. Normally I load modules using ftp (great tutorial about that in the tutorial section of the ftp site.) However, no one seems to know the username/password for the ftp app to access the Pi5 build.
So, I have gone back to using my Pi 3’s.

If you put modules on a USB stick and plug it into RPI you should be able to copy over modules with general linux commands.

Hi Jeremy,
are there different root passwords for RPI 4s? Using WinSCP, i have tried root /123lkj and it says access denied.

Hi @walash. I don’t know. We haven’t handled the raspberry pi in many years.

Hello all,

Any ideas for the ssh credentials? pi/rachel doesnt work

The username for the rachel_pi_64bit_03_14_2024 image appears to be rachel

I have not found the password yet. I’ve ordered a pi to see if I can find it.

@jeremy thank you for your response, i was able to figure out the password, it is Rachel+1

Yes, I was able to get into the Pi5 with rachel/Rachel+1. However, even though I had a 256 GB card, loaded with rachel_pi_64bit_03_14_2024.img, there was only 5.5GB available. The image didn’t let me use the full 256GB. Did I do something wrong when loading the image? Also, I still have the problem loading modules using the admin-Install tab - where it goes into an endless “loading” mode but never succeeding loading the list of available modules. (There is a screen shot if this posted on Jan 10 in this topic.)