Setting up Raspberry Pi 5 with latest Rachel Pi image


Jason here, just trying to create a Rachel pi using the latest rachel pi 32bit image from the download section onto a sd card and also a CORSAIR MP600 Micro 1TB M.2 NVMe PCIe x4 via the M.2 HAT+.
Both work fine when installing the offical latest Raspberry Pi 64bit OS via imager. It is an 8gb Raspberry Pi 5.

Problem is when installing the image from download section it fails to boot either storage devices.

Below is the screen I have when it fails. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

Extra photo, Rasperry Pi 5 running of Laptop powerbank. The Pi 5 wifi has 3 times the throughput compared to a Pi 4 so should support alot more connected users.

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Would I be better off installing Ubuntu full os onto the Pi5 and use the linux version of the server. Pros Cons?

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Hi @Wallaby101,

This is a Raspberry Pi 5 compatible image that should work for you

Let me know how it goes,

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Thanks James, will let you know. Is there any advantage of installing the desktop version onto Ubuntu vs the above. Any additional apps that work on one and not the other? I think I remember you saying the Pi version does not have Kolibri & KLITE working properly. In another post I think I saw you post the the desktop version is the same as the Pi version in that it does not work with some apps. Just trying to work out the best path forward the first time.


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Hi Jason,

The Pi version should have everything the Linux installer version has. KA-Lite has been removed as it was discontinued around 2021 and replaced by Kolibri which has several versions of Khan Academy available.

The Linux installer can be downloaded at Index of /installers where the 2022 one is the latest. Nothing has changed since then and it should still work with Ubuntu but let me know if you run into issues.


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Hi James,

Installed the Raspberry Pi 64 bit beta image you suggested as above. It is successfully installed, no testing yet. One problem I have found so far is that the install thinks it is located on an SD card with a size of 5.5G. When I have actually installed the image onto an 1Tb MP600 Micro PCIe NVMe M.2 2242 SSD drive. I have this same drive for a Ubuntu install, ready to try the linux installer as another trial. The drive is great with very fast performance.

Please advise how to fix this problem, I assume it is a common problem?


Hi @Wallaby101,

Great to hear it’s partially working. The image I shared is an experimental RACHEL-Pi image to work with the Raspberry Pi 5 which requires a newer OS than the ones on the RACHEL-Pi post.

The RACHEL-Pi images are based on the Raspberry Pi OS which is more lightweight and tailored to the Pi WIFI chips. The Linux installer might work with a Pi Ubuntu image, but I can’t say it will include the right WIFI drivers implementation to work with the chips like the Raspberry Pi OS does. You could try the installer on a default Raspberry Pi OS image if you’d like to.

I am looking into the issue with the drive and will let you know when it’s working.



Glad to find this thread, helped me find the image from pi day this year on the ftp thanks! This is my first experience with RACHEL-pi.

I’ll add my experience on trying that image on my pi5 4GB to the thread.

I am writing it to a Samsung EVO 64GB micro SD.

  1. With OS customisation

If I do any OS customisation (e.g. setting a user/pass) then the pi5 starts to boot but hard crashes to black screen half-way through boot (num-lock light even stops responding) it is difficult to note where it crashes, but I could record a video if that would be helpful.

  1. Without OS customisation

It boots to the login screen, but gets an error along the way.

Failed to start networking.service - Raise network interfaces.
See 'systemctl status networking.service' for details.

And then… I don’t know the default passwords, none of them I find in the forums seem to work. If you could share that I could get further debugging info from systemctl :slight_smile: