I am pleased to announced that RACHEL Plus is finally installed in one of the Secondary schools in the Highlands Region of Papua New Guinea. We did the LAN cabling for the lab and finally connected all desktop computers to the RACHEL Plus server. We also provided the basic training to OIC of Library and students as shown in the pictures.
Well done and good job.
Hi @laso.mana,
Gread job our there! I just wonder if you did you connect your lab to a RACHEL PC server or a RACHEL PLUS device? how often often to you keep the server up and running?
The server is usually turned on at 8 am in the morning. Its stays on all day. Students take turns to access the lab.
What a great setup, my Aunty and I are looking to set up a small learning centre using the Raspberry Pi 400. Will be using solar and batteries to power it all.