Has anyone tried setting up an LMS like Moodle on a RACHEL plus? Is this possible?
I’ve heard of it being done but never done it ourselves. In theory, no reason it won’t work. These are intel based units with Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS installed.
MOODLE is rather bulky and I am trying CHAMILO on raspberry pi3. I haven’t actually installed it in parallel with RACHEL but I am sure it would be possible and would be doing it next. CHAMILO installs pretty well on rpi3.
Great idea…I have used/installed Moodle previously but not on RACHEL. I will test it out as well and report back. I believe this would be great hardware for Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) who use Moodle extensively in their remove field sites. Thanks for the idea!
Try Moodlebox. https://moodlebox.net/en/ by Nicolas Martignoni.
Dana, this looks really intriguing. I get the sense that a Moodle Course could be created and run entirely offline but they stop short of saying that directly. If that’s the case then at $90 of parts this is amazing! Of course, if this could be incorporated into the RACHEL-plus system that would also be great.
Hi Joshua,
I was able to install Moodlebox and get it working on RPi 3. I haven’t made any courses yet, though. Got too busy with summer project. Long term, I want to put especially an ESL class on it with audio and video. Did communicate with Nicolas Martignoni. Great guy.
Indeed - we will be shipping moodle on the RACHEL-Plus within two weeks. Updating older devices will be possible but will require some work.
Hi, I’ve been following your amazing work. We too are very interested in using RACHEL plus as a server for moodle and for other educational services. However, I’m a bit concerned about its capacity to work as a server and about number of users can be served simultaneously.
Moodle friends, I am unable to access Moodle after uploading the module via admin/install on a SSD. I do get an error message 404-not found.
On the install I can find two moodle modules - do I need both, only one, which one would be the correct one?
Hi @rodiwv –
Sorry about that, the fix will be included in the firmware update here: Update Firmware on RACHEL-Plus 2.0 (WAPD-235N Model)
We really should not have two versions of Moodle on the app center. @sam @jfield let’s discuss
Hi - as it stands moodle on RACHEL can only work if the RACHEL was built with the 2.1+ installer (you can see this on your RACHEL “version” page in the admin section. If your installer is earlier than 2.1, you’ll need to do a system update via USB. Let me know what version you have - instructions on updating the system via USB are forthcoming.
As to the two versions - use en-moodle; that is the one that is tested to work. The other was part of some future plans, but I have hidden it for now. Thanks for the info!
this might be the problem, I installed it from a USB image and it says Rachel installer 20170711. I also failed to install KAlite System software. Do I need to use a different USB image?
The latest USB is here – if you have 2.0 hardware (the model number on the back says WAPD-235N) then you can use the 2.3.0 USB which includes moodle and everything. It should not remove any existing content. Give it a try and let me know how it goes – we have had good results so far, but this is the largest update rollout our small organization has ever done so we’re very interested in feedback on any problems you encounter.
- power off the device
- insert the recover USB (imaged from the 2.3.0 file linked above)
- power on and let run until the lights stop flashing and remain on (about 8 minutes)
- power off, remove USB, power on again
The update installed well but the problem with moodle and KAlite still persists. I deleted Moodle and re-installed - still with the error 404. The installation of KA lite has again failed.
Are you able to put your device online (through the ethernet port) and send me the device ID (listed under the “hardware” tab)? I would like to take a remote look at your unit and see what happened. Thanks!
Glad to know about your interest! RACHEL PLUS can connect a maximum of 40 devices. Depending on device speed, 30 devices work perfectly.
yes - the new image 2.3.0 did not work - now I have installed an older image v2.1.1 and it did install after re-formatting the SSD on NTSF. MY Cap2 is now online ID A4AFA8.
en-Moodle installed and is running, KA lite System Software 0.17.0 is installed and en-kalite is working as well.
Thanks for the follow up. I was not able to take a look at it while it was online (looks like it went back offline two days ago).
I’m not sure what happened there, but if your device is working I am glad to hear it.