Upload content Internal Server Error

Dears, I have got a newly arrived RACHEL-PLUS. The version says 5.0.0; and the content shell v5.0.0. I created a lesson and tried to upload content to it. But it keeps saying an internal server error. Your help is needed.

And the error is occurring when you tryp to upload a content as shown in the following screen shot.


In the RACHEL system log. I can see the following log. ā€œMon Jan 13 07:04:20 2025 authpriv.crit sudo: pam_unix(sudo:auth): auth could not identify password for [www-data]
Mon Jan 13 07:04:20 2025 authpriv.alert sudo: www-data : command not allowed ; TTY=unknown ; PWD=/ ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/uci get luci.main.lang
I am not sure if this log error corresponds to the 'upload content internal server errorā€ I posted earlier.

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Thanks. Can you provide the last 6 of the MAC?

We are aware of another report of this and are trying to track down the issue but need to reference the build process at the time.

Can you try to redownload or update en-contenthub on the admin panel?

Thanks. To my understanding there is no ā€˜en-contenthubā€™ on the admin panel so no way to update or redownload. There are other contents that start with the 'en-". Coming to the MAC of the RACHEL. This is the mac of one of my 10 Rachel servers. 1c:69:7a:da:9b:f9

Iā€™m sorry, my mistake. en-local_content - it should show as a possible ā€œupdateā€ in the version tab also. Where are you currently located if we need to send a USB to you?

Thanks Jeremy. There is no ā€˜updateā€™ or 'download" in the version tab even for the ā€œen-local_contentā€. I am located in Mekelle, Ethiopia. We have already a USB that we got from previous two Rachel arrivals. Can we use that USB ? If yes, If you can tell me the exact tools needed and procedures to be followed ; that would be great.

hi @shishaygebregiyorgis - Do you know if those are the same hardware? The version 4 of RACHEL (CMAL100) does not have a metal square on the back. Version 5 of RACHEL (CMAL150) does have a metal square in the back. The USB between the two does not work. Each device has its own USB.

We are still working on the fix for version 5, though its possible early shipments of version 5 worked OK.

I See. Thanks Jeremy. Apologies for the delay. I now understand the USB between the two doesnā€™t work. 1) We used version 4 (CMAL 100) to boot CMAL 150; it worked but the wifi signal is off (used cable instead) as we already have the recovery image of of version 4. 2) In the mean time; can you send us the image recovery of CMAL 150. Thanks.

Ha, thatā€™s great the 4 at least worked to make the 5 boot. Theyā€™re very different devices (32 bit vs 64 bit and new hardware). We will post the 5 once weā€™ve tracked down and solved the issues we are having.

Hello Jeremy, Does it mean we should wait until we fix? We obtained about 10 Rachel Servers and we like to make use of them for teachers to upload their contents. But currently, we are stuck.

Hello Jeremy, Does it mean we should wait until you will fix it? We obtained about 10 Rachel Servers and we like to make use of them for teachers to upload their contents. But currently, we are stuck.

Yes, we think we should have the fix ready within 7 days.

Hello Jeremey, How is the fix going on? When do you think you will provide us the recovery image?

RACHEL 5 - Recovery / Update / Repair Drive

Problem is solved. Ureka!!! Thank you Jeremey.

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You may want to wait to deploy until 5.1.6 is available which will fix a final issue with DataPost